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Past Events


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  • Vignesh Ishwar Carnatic Vocal Concert
    Vignesh Ishwar Carnatic Vocal Concert
    Sun, Oct 01
    Woodside High Performing Arts Center
    Oct 01, 2023, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM PDT
    Woodside High Performing Arts Center, 199 Churchill Ave, Woodside, CA 94062, USA
    Accompanied by Kamalakiran Vinjamuri on Violin Sumesh Narayanan on Mridangam Anirudh Athreya on Khanjira
  • Vidwan Sunil Gargyan Carnatic Vocal Concert
    Vidwan Sunil Gargyan Carnatic Vocal Concert
    Sun, Oct 08
    Milpitas High School Theatre
    Oct 08, 2023, 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM PDT
    Milpitas High School Theatre, 1285 Escuela Pkwy, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA
    Accompanied by: Vidwan. Vijay Muraleedharan on Violin; Vidwan Sai Raghavan on Mridangam.
  • Vidushi Sriranjani Santanagopalan Vocal Concert
    Vidushi Sriranjani Santanagopalan Vocal Concert
    Sun, Oct 08
    Milpitas High School Theatre 
    Oct 08, 2023, 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM PDT
    Milpitas High School Theatre , 1285 Escuela Pkwy, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA
    Accompanied by: Vidwan Sri. Sayee Rakshith on Violin; Vidwan Sri. Praveen Sparsh on Mridangam.
  • Vidwan Shertallay Dr. K. N. Renganatha Sharma
    Vidwan Shertallay Dr. K. N. Renganatha Sharma
    Sun, Nov 05
    Willow Glen Middle School Theater
    Nov 05, 2023, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM PST
    Willow Glen Middle School Theater, 2105 Cottle Ave, San Jose, CA 95125, USA
    A grand Carnatic Vocal Concert on the closing event of the year. Vidwan Sri. Rajeev Mukundan on Violin; Vidwan Sri. Thanjavur K. Muruga Boopathi on Mridangam.
  • "Nauka Charitamu"  (Tale of the boat)  A musical play by  Saint Thyagaraja
    "Nauka Charitamu"  (Tale of the boat)  A musical play by  Saint Thyagaraja
    Sat, Feb 10
    Cubberley Theater Palo Alto
    Feb 10, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    Cubberley Theater Palo Alto
    A thematic concert presented by Anuradha Sridhar and Team. The play describes a boat journey by the Gopis and a 7 years old Krishna on the Yamuna river. Krishna creates an illusory storm to challenge the pride of the Gopis.




​Jagat Janani is a unique Bharatanatyam concert demonstrating the power of The Universal Mother. Jagat Janani is the result of collaborative and creative choreography of leading Bay Area dance schools - Shri Krupa Dance Company, Abhinaya Dance Company, Nrithyollasa Dance Academy, and Kala Vandana Dance Company.  

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  1. November 12th--15th:
    Smt. Gayathri  Venkataraghavan

  2. November 19th--22nd:
    Smt. Shantala Subramanyam and
    Smt. Dhanya Dinesh

  3. November 26th--29th:
    Smt. S.Aishwarya and Kum. S.Soundarya

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Vid. Arunagiri

Vasanthothsavam Series of Concerts 
Vocal: Vid. Shri T.N Arunagiri

Violin: Vid. Vignesh Thyagarajan

Mridangam:  Vid. Ajay Gopi.


July 10 2021, 6.00pm PDT

Ticketing: Free

FB / Youtube


Concert Schedule (All concerts will begin at 6.30 PM PST):

13-Mar-2021 – Vid. Smt. Chandrika Pai

27-Mar-2021 – Vid. Smt. NCS Ravali

10-Apr-2021 – Vid. Kum. Roopa Mahadevan

24-Apr-2021 – Harikatha by Vidwan Shri Ashok Subramanian

08-May-2021 – Vocal concert by Vidwan Shri Anil Narasimha

22-May-2021 – Vocal concert by Vidwan Shri Krishna Parthasarathy


See above

Ticketing: Free

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Mano Raga Ranjani

“Mano RaGaRanjani” is an exquisite online vocal duet by
Vidushis Smt. Ranjani & Smt. Gayathri
Vidwan Rajeev Mukundan - Violin
Vidwan Sri. K. Sai Giridhar - Mridangam
Vidwan S. Krishna - Ghatam


March 20, 2021, 4pm PDT

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Sahana Vasudevan

Sahana will be presenting a vocal concert in honor of her Guru Padma Bhushan Sri. P.S. Narayanaswamy.


Sunday Feb 28th @6:30PM PST

Ticketing: Free

FB / Youtube 

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Thyagaraja Aradhana

SIFA presents 42nd Thyagaraja Aradhana Festival on February 6th 2021 (Saturday) and takes great pride in featuring the Pancharathna Krithis singing led by Bay Area's revered Vocal Gurus (left-to-right and top-to-bottom in the order of the Pancharathna).

1. Chethulara, Sri Ganapathi Ni - Vidwan Sri. Mohan Rangan
2. Jagadānanda kārakā - Vidushi Smt. Jayashree Varadarajan
3. Duḍukugala - Vidushi Smt. Asha Ramesh
4. Sādhinchane - Vidushi Smt. Padmaja Kishore
5. Kana kana ruci rā - Vidushi Smt. Kasthuri Shivkumar
6. Endarō mahānubhāvulu - Vidwan Sri. Shivkumar Bhat, Vidwan Sri. Hari Devnath


February 6th 2021, 9am PDT

Ticketing: Free 

FB / Youtube 


Trinity" weaves a fabric of three beautiful stories on the legendary Carnatic musicians Thyagaraja, Muthuswami Dikshithar, and Shyama Shastri and has received critical acclaim when it was originally staged in India. It has now been recreated using very high quality theater style video production for online streaming and viewing.


April 16th 2021, 6.00pm PDT

Available to watch until April 19th, midnight.

Navayuva Series

SIFA presents "Margazhi Mela" NavaYuva concert series from Nov28th 2020 - Jan31st 2021, every Saturday at 6.30 p.m. PST .
Join us in celebrating the music festival by listening to the wonderful artists.

Concert Schedule (All concerts will begin at 6.30 PM PST):
28-Nov-2020 - Vocal concert by Ananya Ashok
05-Dec-2020 - Violin concert by Sruti Sarathy
12-Dec-2020 - Vocal concert by Ashwin Srikant
19-Dec-2020 - Vocal concert by Arjun Subramaniam
26-Dec-2020 - Vocal concert by Manasa Suresh
02-Jan-2021 - Violin duet by Vignesh & Aparna Thyagarajan
09-Jan-2021 - Flute concert by Shreyas Bharadwaj
16-Jan-2021 - Vocal concert by Ranjani Ravindrabharathy
23-Jan-2021 - Veena duet by Hrishikesh & Priyanka Chary
30-Jan-2021 - Vocal concert by Vivrd Prasanna 


See Above

Ticketing: Free

FB / Youtube 



Thyagaraja Aradhana

Date: Saturday Feb 6, 2020. 9:30am-4:00pm

Venue: Quinlan Community Center (near De Anza College)

10185 N. Stelling Rd., Cupertino, CA 95014

Kum. Malavika Sriram - Vocal

"Navayuga 2020 Concerts"
Kum. Malvika Sriram - Vocal Concert
Shreyas Srinivasan - Violin
Ajay Gopi - Mridangam
Achyut Srinivasan - Kanjira

Date: Saturday Feb 6, 2020. 9:30am-4:00pm

Venue: Quinlan Community Center (near De Anza College)

10185 N. Stelling Rd., Cupertino, CA 95014

"Online with Artists" - 2020 - Episode 1

Veena Concert by
Vid. Sri. Srikanth Chary
Chi. Hrishikesh Chary
Kum. Priyanka Chary


Date: Saturday Feb 6, 2020. 9:30am-4:00pm

Venue: FB / Youtube


Thyagaraja Aradhana

Date: Saturday Jan 26, 2019. 9:00am-5:00pm

Venue: Quinlan Community Center (near De Anza College)

10185 N. Stelling Rd., Cupertino, CA 95014

Vyakrita - Under the Sacred Tree

Excerpts from the many past lives of the Budha on his path towards enlightenment.
Original Music: Smt. Asha Ramesh & Shri. Nachiketa Yakkundi
Javanese Dhalang (Puppeteer): Ki Midiyanto & Gamelan Ensemble
Choreography: Smt. Shreelata Suresh & Senior Vishwa Shanthi Dancers

Date: Saturday, March 2, 2019 - 2:00 pm.& 6:00 pm.

Venue: Quinlan Community Center (near De Anza College)

10185 N. Stelling Rd., Cupertino, CA 95014

Artist Website:  Vishwa Shanthi

Vidwan Sri. Gunil Gargyan - Vocal Concert

Vidwan Sri. R. Raghul - Violin
Vidwan Sri. Trivandrum Balaji - Mridangam

Date: Saturday, March 23, 2019 - 4pm

Venue: Jain Temple of Northern California
722 S Main St. Milpitas, CA 95035

Vidushi Padmabhushan Smt. Sudha Raghunathan - Vocal Concert

Shri. Kamalakiran Vinjamuri - Violin
Shri. Akshay Ananthapadmanabhan - Mridangam
Shri. Sowmiya Narayanan - Ghatam


Date: Saturday, April 6, 2019 - 5:30 pm

Venue: Carrington Hall, Sequoia High School
1201 Brewster Ave., Redwood City, CA 94062

Vidwan Sri. S. Saketharaman - Vocal Concert

Vidwan Sri. L. Ramakrishnan - Violin
Vidwan Sri. Patri Satish kumar - Mridangam

Date: Sunday, April 7, 2019 - 4 pm

Venue:  Independence High School
617 N Jackson Ave, San Jose, CA 95133

Vidushis Smt. Ranjani & Smt. Gayathri - Vocal Duet


Vidushi Charumathi Raghuraman - Violin
Vidwan Sri. K. Sai Giridhar - Mridangam

Date: Sunday, April 7, 2019 - 4 pm

Venue:  Independence High School
617 N Jackson Ave, San Jose, CA 95133

"Samyoga" The Sublime Union --
Bharathanatyam dance ballet by Sri. Shijith Nambiar, Smt. Parvathy Menon and Troupe

Date: Sunday, Apr. 28, 2019 - 5:00 pm

Venue:  Carrington Hall, Sequoia High School
1201 Brewster Ave., Redwood City, CA 94062

Vidwan Sri. Ramakrishnan Murthy - Vocal Concert


Vidwan Sri. Hemmige V Srivatsan - Violin
Vidwan Sri. B Srivatsan - Mridangam

Date: Sunday, May 12, 2019 - 4:30 pm.

Venue:  Cubberley Auditorium (STANFORD campus)
485 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

"New Dimensions to Margam"
Bharathanatyam program by Nrithya Choodamani Smt. Rama Vaidyanathan & Dakshina Vaidyanathan Baghel

Vocal - Smt. Asha Ramesh
Nattuvangam - Smt. Snigdha Venkataramani
Violin - Sri. Vikram Ragukumar
Mridangam - Sri. Adithya Ganesh
Special Effects - Kum. Sannidhi Vaidyanathan

Date: Sunday, May 19, 2019 - 5:30 pm. 

Venue:  Independence High School
617 N Jackson Ave, San Jose, CA 95133

Vidushi Smt. Vishaka Hari - Musical Discourse (in English)


Vidwan Sri. B. Ananthakrishnan - Violin
Vidwan Sri. Arjun Ganesh - Mridangam

Date: Sunday, June 2, 2019 - 4pm. 

Venue:  ICC - India Community Center
525 Los Coches St, Milpitas, CA 95035

Carnatic Epic Choir - Srushti (Seeds of Creativity)
Conceptualized and presented by
Vidwan Sri. Neyveli R. Santhanagopalan

Date: Sunday, August 25, 2019 - 4pm.  

Venue:  Santa Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054

Interactive Vocal Concert by: Vidwan Sri. Neyveli R. Santhanagopalan
with his senior disciples
Vidwan Sri. Shivakumar Bhat
Vidwan Sri. Hari Devanath
Vidushi Smt. Kasthuri Shivakumar


Vidwan Sri. Hemmige Srivatsan - Violin
Vidwan Sri. Ramesh Srinivasan - Mridangam
Vidwan Sri. Ravindhrabharathy Sridharan - Mridangam
Vidwan Sri. M. Hariharan - Morsing

Date: Sunday, August 25, 2019 - 4pm.  

Venue:  Santa Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054

Vidushi Dr. S. Sowmya - Vocal Concert


Vidwan Sri. Embar Kannan - Violin
Vidwan Sri. Poongulam Subramanian - Mridangam

Date: Monday, September 2, 2019 - 4pm.

Venue:  Santa Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054

Vidwan Sri. Abhishek Raghuram - Vocal Concert

Co-sponsored with Sambodh Society (


Vidwan Sri. H. N. Bhaskar - Violin
Vidwan Sri. Bangalore Arjun Kumar - Mridangam

Date: Saturday,September 7, 2019 - 4pm

Venue:  Carrington Hall, Sequoia High School
1201 Brewster Ave., Redwood City, CA 94062

Trichur Brothers
Vidwan Sri. Srikrishna Mohan & Vidwan Sri. Ramkumar Mohan - Vocal Duet


Vidwan Sri. Sayee Rakshith - Violin
Vidwan Sri. Trichur Mohan - Mridangam

Date: Sunday, September 15, 2019 - 4:00 p.m

Venue:  Independence High School
617 N Jackson Ave, San Jose, CA 95133

Padmashree Dr. Pu. Thi. Narasimhachar's "Jaya Jaya Vijayee Raghuraama"


Dance drama produced by: Smt. Alamelu Iyengar
Dance Choreography & Direction: Smt. Ramya Abhijit & Smt. Chinmayi Bettadapura
Music Direction: Smt. Subhapriya Srivatsan

Date: Saturday, November 9, 2019 - 4:00 p.m

Venue:  Carrington Hall, Sequoia High School
1201 Brewster Ave., Redwood City, CA 94062